COVID-19 Virus Statement

    Throughout this crisis, every decision we make puts the health of people first. We follow the preventative guidance from public health authorities. We are doing everything we can to protect our staff and customers while remaining open for business to maintain our on time delivery service.

    We have implemented social distancing measures at all of our locations in line with Government guidelines. We have implemented increased hygiene measures at all of our locations and sourced relevant hygiene equipment and materials as recommended by Government guidelines. Any employee who is experiencing coronavirus symptoms, or is required to isolate under Government guidelines for any other reason, has been instructed not to attend work and to follow the latest Government advice on next steps.
    Any employee absent because of a confirmed case of COVID-19 will remain off site for the full course of the illness, as recommended by Government guidelines.

    To mitigate the spread of the virus we would appreciate it if you could make us aware of any confirmed or potential cases of the virus at your sites where a Competent Courier employee may attend so we can take the appropriate actions to keep our all employees safe.

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